Analysis for palatalized articulation of [s] sounds using synthetic speech

Proc. of the European Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech), Vol. 3, pp. 1725-1728, Madrid, 1995

Analysis for palatalized articulation of [s] sounds using synthetic speech

T. Arai, K. Okazaki, S. Imatomi and Y. Yoshida

Abstract: Palatalized articulation (PA) is frequently observed in speech uttered by postoperative cleft palate patients. We analyzed the PA of [s] sounds and tested human perception of certain synthetic sounds to verify the characteristics of the PA of [s] sounds in Japanese. After analyzing the PA of [s] with linear predictive (LP) analysis, the mono-syllable /sa/, /su/ and /se/ were synthesized by an all-pole model. To synthesize the fricatives, we shifted the frequency of a complex conjugate pole pair of a filter from 1000 to 3400 Hz. A perceptual experiment involving three speech therapists was carried out to analyze perception of the three syllables. From the results we concluded that fricatives having a peak around 1800 Hz tend to be identified as the PA of [s].

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