Prof. Arai and the members of the Arai lab. had presentations at international conferences held in August 2023.
The topics of our presentations are below:
ICPhS 2023 (International Congress of Phonetic Sciences):
・T. Arai, “Bent vs. straight models of the human vocal tract based on measurements by Chiba and Kajiyama.”
・A. Mizoguchi, M. Morimoto, W. Li and T. Arai, “Tongue contours for the Japanese moraic nasal by speakers of standard Chinese.”
・M. Morimoto, A. Mizoguchi, W. Li and T. Arai, “Articulatory timing of the Japanese singleton and geminate /t/ produced by speakers of standard Chinese.”
Inter-Noise 2023:
・Y. Hioka, C.T. Justine Hui, H. Masuda, C. I. Watson, E. Osawa and T. Arai, “Spatial audio reproduction for studying second language speech perception in varying acoustic environments.”
・T. Arai, T. Yoshinaga and A. Iida, “Comparing /b/ and /d/ with a single physical model of the human vocal tract to visualize droplets produced while speaking.”
・T. Yoshinaga, T. Arai and A. Iida, “A relationship between vocal fold vibration and droplet production.”
You can find further details about the conferences:
– ICPhS 2023
– Inter-Noise 2023

(Updated on 2023/09/12)