Acoustical Society of Japan 2024 Autumn Meeting

The Acoustical Society of Japan 2024 Autumn Meeting was held from September 4th to September 6th, 2024.
We had presentations for the speech communication session from Arai lab.

The title of our presentations are below:

September 4th
Session: Speech communication
・M. Kasuya and T. Arai, “Nasal plosion on German suffixes in the unstressed syllables by German natives and Japanese German learners”

September 5th
Session: Speech communication
・K. Takeuchi, N. Aoki, T. Arai, S. Ohgane, K. Suzuki, W. Hata, T. Murakami, H. Seki and K. Yasu, “Obstacles to using “acoustic analysis” in clinical practice for speech therapists”

September 6th
Session: Speech communication (Poster presentation)
・T. Igeta, E. Aiba and T. Arai, “The production of /o/ and /u/ in palatalized consonants by Chinese learners of Japanese”

(Updated on 2024/09/09)

カテゴリー: news