Place of articulation -stops-

  • Continuum from /ba/ to /da/
    • Vowel: /a/
      SR (sampling rate): 10KHz
    • F0: fixed at 130 Hz
    • Fixed F1 frequency
      • Onset of formant transition (395Hz)
      • Transition time (25ms)
      • Steady state of vowel (700Hz)
    • F3: fixed at 2600 Hz
  • Continuum from /ba/ to /da/
    • F2 locus
      Varies from 600Hz(/ba/) to 1800Hz(/da/) in 200Hz steps
    • F2 transition time
      from 25ms (/ba/) to 55ms (/da/) in 10ms steps
    • Steady state of vowel: 1200 Hz
  • Continuum from /ba/ to /da/ (Changes in F2 loci)
    • F2 transition time = 25ms
600Hz 800Hz 1000Hz 1200Hz 1400Hz 1600Hz 1800Hz
    • F2 transition time = 35ms
600Hz 800Hz 1000Hz 1200Hz 1400Hz 1600Hz 1800Hz

F2 transition time = 45ms

600Hz 800Hz 1000Hz 1200Hz 1400Hz 1600Hz 1800Hz

F2 transition time = 55ms

600Hz 800Hz 1000Hz 1200Hz 1400Hz 1600Hz 1800Hz