- VOT: duration between the release of the closure of a stop and the beginning of vocal folds vibration
- VOT determines voicing of stop consonants
- Voiced:-20ms ~ +20ms
- Voiceless:25ms ~ 100ms (“The Acoustic Analysis of Speech”)
- Example:/da/-/ta/ continuum
- VOT from –10ms to +40ms in 10ms steps
- VOT determines voicing of stop consonants

- Example of synthesis:/da/-/ta/
- F1 frequency
- Onset of formant transition: 395Hz
- Steady state of vowel: 700Hz
- F2 frequency
- Onset of formant transition: 1600Hz
- Steady state of vowel: 1200Hz
- F1 and F2 transition duration
- F1: 25ms
- F2: 55ms
- Beginning of vocal folds vibration (AV)
- from -10ms to +80ms in 10ms steps
- F1 frequency
[Other parameters]
- F0 contour : manually manipulated (mininum F0 125Hz, maximum F0 135 Hz)
- Burst (at 25 ms) : AI=50dB
- Frication (the range: from 25ms to 35ms) : A3F=47dB, A4F=60dB, A5F=50dB

- Example of synthesis:/da/-/ta/
VOT | -10 ms | 0 ms | +10 ms | +20 ms | +30 ms | +40 ms | +50 ms | +60 ms | +70 ms | +80 ms |
Sound |
- Lisker, L. and Abramson, A., “Some effects of context on voice onset time in English stops,” Language and Speech, 10, 1-28, 1967.
- Kent, R. D. and Read, C., Acoustic Analysis of Speech, Singular Publishing, San Diego, CA, 2001.
- Ryalls, J., A Basic Introduction to Speech Perception, Singular Publishing, San Diego, CA, 1996.