Prof. Arai has been selected as one of the professors producing achievements by Sophia University. Prof. Arai … 続きを読む Prof. Arai has been selected as one of the professors producing achievements at Sophia University
What's New
2024-05-07Prof. Arai has been selected as one of the ISCA Fellows
Prof. Arai has been selected as one of the ISCA (International Speech Communication Association) Fellows for c… 続きを読む Prof. Arai has been selected as one of the ISCA Fellows
2024-04-30An acoustical letter has been released
An acoustical letter has been released in Acoustical Science and Technology from Arai lab. on the 26th April, … 続きを読む An acoustical letter has been released
2024-03-28A Doctoral Degree Awarded
Sophia University Graduation Ceremony was held on the Mar. 25th, 2024.From Arai lab., S. Tsuji has completed a… 続きを読む A Doctoral Degree Awarded
2024-03-27Graduation ceremony, 2023
Ceremonies were held to celebrate graduation.Six members graduated from Sophia University with an B. S., two m… 続きを読む Graduation ceremony, 2023
2024-03-24A review paper has been published
A review paper was published in the journal of the INCE (Institute of Noise Control Engineering) of Japan Vol.… 続きを読む A review paper has been published
2024-03-23Doctoral Thesis Defense
Shinya Tsuji’s defense for the doctoral defense was held as follows. Candidate: Shinya TsujiTitle: Music… 続きを読む Doctoral Thesis Defense
2024-03-22An online workshop for students and researchers in Brazil
We hosted an online workshop for students and researchers studying acoustics in Brazil on the 18th March, 2024… 続きを読む An online workshop for students and researchers in Brazil
2024-03-21The first workshop of Multilingual Ultrasound Project (MUSP)
Multilingual Ultrasound Project (MUSP), established at Arai lab., conducts research related to speech producti… 続きを読む The first workshop of Multilingual Ultrasound Project (MUSP)
2024-03-18Students of Shinjuku High School visited our laboratory
Students of Shinjuku High School who belong to the biology club visited our laboratory on 2023/11/9. Prof. Ara… 続きを読む Students of Shinjuku High School visited our laboratory