As seen in Demo K300, trajectories of the first and the second formant frequencies (F1 and F2) are responsible for the place of articulation of a consonant in a CV (consonant-vowel) syllable.
In this page, we change additional parameters trying to make synthetic CV syllables more natural.

Stimuli in this demonstration are created using a formant synthesizer. Formant trajectories (figure above) and additional parameters (indicated as [new]) are modified as follows. Synthesized stimuli do not have bursts. See [8] Tomaru and Arai (2016) for more details.
[new] ・F1~F3 of the following vowel, /a/:F1=790 Hz、F2=1190 Hz、F3=2640 Hz
・Only F1 and F2 transitions are modified.
[new] ・F1 and F2 transition time: lengthened by 2 ms from 22 ms to 38ms (total = 9 steps)
[new] ・F1 starting frequency:stable at 385 Hz
[new] ・F2 starting frequency: rased by 100 Hz from 885 Hz to 1690 Hz
[new] ・F0 varied as follows
0 ms ~ 100 ms = 125 Hz
150 ms = 130 Hz
200 ms = 135 Hz
300 ms = 130 Hz
330 ms = 125 Hz
[new] ・Bandwidths
F1 = 60 Hz
F2 = 105 Hz
F3 = 150 Hz
F4 = 200 Hz
F5 = 1000 Hz
[new] ・OQ (Open Quotioent: voicing open-time/period) = 80%
[new] ・TL(Extra tilt of voicing spectrum) = 8 dB down @ 3 kHz
Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | Step 7 | Step 8 | Step 9 | |
F1 & F2 transition time (ms) |
22 | 24 | 26 | 28 | 30 | 32 | 34 | 36 | 38 |
F2 starting frequency (ms) |
885 | 985 | 1085 | 1190 | 1290 | 1390 | 1490 | 1590 | 1690 |
Sounds |
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