Prof. Takayuki Arai was invited to deliver a keynote speech in the session “Seminar on brain, hearing an… 続きを読む An invited lecture at Tohoku Universal Acoustical Communication Month 2018 (October, 2018)
What's New
2018-10-01Presentations at Tohoku Universal Acoustical Communication Month 2018 by C. T. Justine Hui
C. T. Justine Hui delivered presentations as a Invited Young Lecturer at Tohoku Universal Acoustical Communica… 続きを読む Presentations at Tohoku Universal Acoustical Communication Month 2018 by C. T. Justine Hui
2018-05-08Talk by Dr. Florian Schiel
Dr. Florian Schiel (University of Munich, Germany) will give a talk at Sophia University. Speaker: Dr. Florian… 続きを読む Talk by Dr. Florian Schiel
2018-04-26Demonstration Award
ASJ 2018 Spring meeting was held from March 13th to 15th.Prof. Arai gave a demonstration of Vocal-Tract Model,… 続きを読む Demonstration Award
2018-01-31Conference Awards
Yun Ji Hyeon (Doctoral 1st year) has received the below awards. Conference name: Acoustiscal Society of Japan … 続きを読む Conference Awards
2018-01-31Doctoral Thesis Defence
The below doctoral defence will be held as follow. Candidate: Eri IwagamiTitle: Perception of Japanese geminat… 続きを読む Doctoral Thesis Defence
2017-10-05Science Square
Science Square was held at the National Museum of Nature and Science in Tokyo from the 12th August to the 13th… 続きを読む Science Square
2017-10-05Acoustical Society of Japan 2017 Autumn Meeting
The 2017 Acoutical Society of Japan Autumn meeting was held at Ehime University from the 25th September to the… 続きを読む Acoustical Society of Japan 2017 Autumn Meeting
2017-10-05Best Show & Tell Paper Award
Interspeech was held in Stockholm, Sweden this year from August 20th to 24th.Prof. Arai Takayuki’s prese… 続きを読む Best Show & Tell Paper Award
2017-06-13NHK E-tv ‘Eigo de Asobo with Orton’
The NHK show ‘Eigo de Asobo with Orton’ with experiments supervised by Prof. Takayuki Arai is curr… 続きを読む NHK E-tv ‘Eigo de Asobo with Orton’