The 2021 Acoustical Society of Japan Autumn Meeting was held form the 7th September to the 9th September. We h… 続きを読む Acoustical Society of Japan 2021 Autumn Meeting
2022-02-25Acoustical Society of Japan 2021 Spring Meeting
The Acoustical Society of Japan 2021 Spring Meeting was held form the 10th March to the 12th March. We had pre… 続きを読む Acoustical Society of Japan 2021 Spring Meeting
2022-02-25The 27th Conference of Japanese Association of Forensic Science and Technology
The 27th Conference of Japanese Association of Forensic Science and Technology was held form the 11th November… 続きを読む The 27th Conference of Japanese Association of Forensic Science and Technology
2022-02-19ICE-TES 2021
Prof. Arai delivered a keynote speech at the International Conference on Emerging Issues in Technology, Engine… 続きを読む ICE-TES 2021
2022-02-19ICE-TES 2021
荒井隆行教授が国際会議ICE-TES 2021にて基調講演を行いました。講演題目は、”What is a Speech Chain and How Can This Concept be Applied to the V… 続きを読む ICE-TES 2021
2022-02-19ASJ Paper Award
Professor Arai and C. T. Justine Hui, Ph.D. student until 2019, received the Best Paper Award from the Acousti… 続きを読む ASJ Paper Award
2022-02-19Journal of Phonetics Award
Journal of Phonetics announced that the winner of “The Journal of Phonetics Best Early Career Scholar’s Articl… 続きを読む Journal of Phonetics Award
2022-02-19Journal of Phonetics における受賞
学術雑誌 “Journal of Phonetics” において、以下の論文が2019年の “The Journal of Phonetics Best Early Career Scholar’… 続きを読む Journal of Phonetics における受賞
Prof. Arai briefly demonstrated vowel production with vocal-tract models on the NHK-G “Gatten!” TV show on Apr… 続きを読む Gatten!
荒井教授が2021年4月21日 NHK総合「ガッテン!」に、声道模型を用いて音声生成機構のわかりやすい説明に関し、取材協力をしました。 (2022/04/12 更新)